Is it finally time to plan your dream shower? If you've reached that moment in time when you can design a shower that checks off all the boxes on your list, let Matrix Home Solutions help. We'll design and install a shower that works for you and your family from the ground up, beginning with your choice of flooring. Our shower floor tile ideas are attractive. But more importantly, they're specifically manufactured for high performance in the bath. Here's what we know.


Slip-Resistant Tile Is the Best Tile for Shower Floors


Slip-resistant tiles feature texture that increases friction. This makes them safer to walk on when wet. Generally, they're up to 50 percent less slippery overall, which makes them excellent shower floor tile ideas. Manufacturers of floor tiles use an “r” rating to denote the level of slip resistance used. You'll see this reflected somewhere on the package as R13 through R9. R13 offers the highest protection against slip and fall and is what you'll encounter on commercial properties, including the restroom at the mall or surrounding the local pool. For homeowner purposes, R11 is the standard for high-moisture areas like your new spa-like master bath. These tiles are affordable, but safe enough to walk on when wet. They come in an attractive array of styles and colors, as well.


The Best Shower Floor Tile Ideas Are Low-Maintenance Options


Next to tiles that prevent you from falling and becoming injured, the best tile for shower floors is one that's easy to clean and maintain. Choose a tile that features a low absorption rate, and opt for the largest tiles possible. Larger tiles mean less grout, and grout is notoriously stubborn to clean. Solid options in shower flooring are:


  • Textured Porcelain
  • Ceramic


These tiles can be purchased with a slip-resistant treatment applied, and they wipe clean with a simple wet mop. You should check with your tile manufacturer, however, for specific care and cleaning instructions for your new flooring.


There are tons of other attractive tile options available for your new beautiful bath, including slate and other natural stones. These tiles must be sealed intermittently, however, to keep them functioning well. If you're up to the challenge of sealing your bathroom floor annually, these are good options, too.


Shower Floor Tiles Must Be Impervious to Moisture


Lastly, you'll want a shower floor that's completely impervious to moisture. This is a must to prevent the growth of potentially harmful mold and bacteria. Most shower floor tiles can be treated to make them water-proof, but some materials are just naturally more water-resistant than others. Teak wood inserts, for instance, are gaining popularity inside the bath and shower because of their natural property that makes them shed water instead of absorbing it. Teak also boasts natural oils that resist the growth of fungus and bacteria. Additionally, they give your space that spa-away-from-home feeling everyone craves in a master bath. Teak shower inserts do require a bit more maintenance than a simple tiled floor, however. This includes oiling them regularly, and cleaning the floor beneath them often to prevent mold build-up.


When you're ready to brainstorm your new dream bath, give Matrix Home Solutions a call. We have the experience and the connections to help you conquer every aspect of your must-have list. As a result, you'll be left with a bathroom you can't wait to get home to every day. Contact us today for help in choosing the best tile for shower floors.