Remodeling your home - whether one room or the entire building - can be exciting and a little daunting. If you’re worried about the outcome of your basement remodeling project, here is our must-have checklist to ensure your basement renovation will be a sure-fire success!

1. Retain the original features

If your building is old, it will probably have some nice, quirky features. Remodeling takes an ‘out with the old and in with the new’ approach, but this rule can be forgotten where original details are concerned. Retain any special features that are in a good condition, or could be restored. Either incorporate them into your basement remodel, or keep them for the next owner if you decide to sell up.

2. Be organized

Organization is key where remodeling is concerned. If you fail to file away every piece of information, you will probably regret it somewhere along the line. What was the name of the paint color? Where did I put that product manual? How do I get in touch with the basement finishing contractors? From the word go, take a logical approach to filing every document - storing it in a dedicated place for future reference.

3. Ask lots of questions

Before the professionals leave, make sure you ask plenty of questions about your newly remodeled basement. Find out how to carry out proper maintenance, which cleaning products to use on each surface, and uncover any handy tips they may have. It is much easier to ask the questions now, instead of a week or a few months down the line.

4. Don’t throw everything out

From pots of paint to left over tiles, make sure you and your contractors keep the leftovers of your basement remodel, just in case. It is much more simple to store that extra piece of material in your garage, than trying to source it down the line when you need to repair or repaint.

5. Road test your basement

Before your workforce ships out, spend some time in your basement to road test every last detail. From drawers to appliances and lights to heating, try out everything and note down any questions or problems, so your contractors can address issues in their punch list before they leave. If a fix is needed, it is better to do it now while your team is still on site.

6. Do the paperwork

Unfortunately, no-one can escape the dreaded paperwork - but it is a necessity that is best tackled sooner rather than later. Don’t forget to:

  • Contact your home insurance company to inform them of your newly remodeled basement, so your policy can be updated.
  • If necessary, fill in forms with the City. Your contractor may be in charge of this, but it is always worth double checking.
  • Activate your warranty by sending in cards for your new appliances. If you forget now, you may miss out.

If you are looking for expert advice on your current or future basement remodel, please get in touch! Our team will be happy to discuss this process with you. Call us at 847-929-9341 or email us at