Interior design draws inspiration from all kinds of fascinating places. One of the most well-known spiritual influences on design in the home is Feng Shui - but while you may have heard the name, do you know what it actually means? If you have recently finished your basement, you may be thinking about decor and furniture. Here’s how you can use Feng Shui in the basement to create a beautiful and tranquil space for the whole family to enjoy!

An Introduction to Feng Shui

Practiced in ancient China more than three thousand years ago, Feng Shui is in part a science, and in part an art form. Its literal translation is ‘wind water’; two elements associated with health - and its practice is very much concerned with human well being. You may have heard of Chi - the term used by Taoists for the energy that can be found in everything around us including people and objects. Feng Shui is all about channeling this energy to create a harmonious living environment.

Feng Shui in the Basement

From the laundry room to the kitchen, Feng Shui can be applied to any area of the home. Rooms with good Feng Shui allow Chi to flow freely, meaning we experience a feeling of sublime calm and relaxation. Feng Shui can be applied in all kinds of ways - here we explore how it can be used in the basement.

1. Organization. To promote good Feng Shui, you need to be organized and remove any clutter or mess from your basement. Good storage is key - but remember that out of sight is not necessarily out of mind. Don’t hide your possessions in cupboards or boxes: make sure they are neat and in good order, even behind closed doors.

2. Light levels. Natural light is key to Feng Shui - but this can be challenging in a basement space. If you are unable to install a new window, opt for the next best thing and concentrate on bright, natural light bulbs to circulate Chi around the room. When decorating your basement, include light colors and reflective surfaces to bounce light from wall to wall.

3. Cleanliness. A clean basement helps to ensure well being and peace of mind. Make sure your space is sparkling at all times by introducing a friendly cleaning rota; if you have kids, it could even be incorporated into a fun routine!

4. Add decorative touches. Wind chimes, mobiles, incense and candles all circulate Chi - increasing feelings of happiness in your basement. Not only are they good for Feng Shui, but they bring personality to your space too!

Whether you believe in the power of Feng Shui or remain skeptical, there is no doubt that interior design and use of space have an impact on how we feel. By following these principles in your basement, you’ll be able to enjoy your newly finished room all the more.